How To Write Killer Copy For Your Website

How to write killer copy for your website site

  1. How To Write Killer Copy For Your Website Email
  2. How To Write Killer Copy For Your Website Free
By Akash ShakyaApril 23rd 2019

Do you know how to write killer content for your website? Not just articles related to your niche, but materials that will really capture your audience? The kind of writing that brings traffic back again and again?

The most basic approach to writing effective copy is to simply introduce the product without gimmick or style. It’s a simple presentation of the facts and benefits. There is no story. There is no conversation. To create a voice, make a list of 10 words that describe your brand or blog, use those words to frame how you speak to users and use those words and synonyms in your copy. Remember, you are speaking to and creating a connection with users; personal pronouns are good option. Words to try: You, we, help, inspire, discover.

Knowing how to write great website content is a skill that will build an engaged audience. It establishes you as a valuable resource providing solutions, information, and insight into the niche you occupy.

Keep reading to learn how you can create the kind of content that will keep your audience coming back for more.

  1. If writing sales copy for your landing page is the bane of your existence, you’re not the only one. Most business owners’ dread sitting down to start laying out a landing page that will convert. Sales are the transfer of 7 Hacks for Writing Killer Sales Copy For Your Landing Page Read More ».
  2. Just like choosing images for your ads, writing ad copy is both art and science. That’s why we created the the Ad Copy Cheat Sheet. (Click image below open). Save it, print it, share it with your team. These writing tips are intended to take some of the guesswork out of writing copy for your business’s ads.
  3. Robbie, I love your stupendous write up. Thanks for such a great information. The tips are amazing and I agree with the sharing about Brian Dean’s APP technique. It is truly a killer Copywriting tactic that I myself applied on my blog posts and it really worked.

Know Your Niche

Content works best when it’s specific. The more thoroughly you can cover your subject matter, the better you’ll attract an engaged audience. The goal isn’t to attract the most visitors but to target those invested in your materials.

There is value in creating more general content. It can be a great way to introduce a new audience to your area of expertise. But if your plan is to convert customers, then going niche is the key.

Create Headlines that Stand Out

When writing for blogs, it’s important to catch your readers’ attention. Headers are an excellent way of making a quick impression.

Catchy or intriguing headlines stand out, so be bold when crafting yours. The more enticing the language, the likelier that the reader will continue with the rest of the article.

Start Strong

Have you ever looked for a recipe only to face an essay about the author’s boyfriend’s nephew’s aunt, all before you even get to the ingredients? While some might enjoy that kind of structure, most people would rather get right to the meal.

Getting to the most important information early rewards your audience for visiting. Even if they don’t read the whole article, knowing you will give them what they need quickly makes them likelier to return.

Include Calls to Action

Once your content is drawing an audience, you have engagement. Capitalize on this by incorporating calls to action into your work. Save it for the end of your articles, otherwise, it can come off like a sales pitch.

By including a call to action you increase your chances for engagement. It’s a great way to turn readers into customers.

Don’t Forget SEO

Practising good SEO will help in many different areas. Not only will it help your audience find your content, but it can help guide what you write.

Keyword research is an excellent way to brainstorm topic ideas. It’s a great way to gain insight into what you’re readers are looking for. It also lets you make the choices that will result in organic search results.

Good SEO should be at the core of everything you do. It’s a framework that will reward you with results.

Final Thoughts on Creating Website Content

Many businesses overlook the importance of content when developing a website. Often, nailing the design is the focus.

While a well-designed website is essential, it’s the quality of your content that leads to return visits. People don’t visit websites regularly because of how they look. They return if the sites have the information they need.

Following the above principles will help you develop killer website content that will keep your audience coming back for more.

For more ideas on developing your business site, visit our blog.

How To Write Awesome Copy Every Time

Effective copywriting is a frequently misunderstood skill. Being able to explain yourself in words effectively, clearly, concisely so that your readers understand what you’re telling them is a rare talent.

The basic principle of great copywriting is to make your readers do what you want them to do……. Do your readers follow your call to action? No? Read on…


There is a basic premise for good content structure, especially on the web. This is the core structure that you need your content to follow;

How to write killer copy for your website page
  1. This Is Your Problem, Need, Desire
  2. Here is My Solution to Your Problem
  3. Here is why my Solution Will Work For You
  4. Here is How To Get It

People search online everyday for solutions to their problems. They might need a product, a service, some advice etc. but the core need is the same. People want a product or service that will solve their problem.

The Purpose of Your Copy

Why do you put words on the page? If you ask yourself this question before you write a word, it will focus your mind on providing the answer that your visitor wants.

How to write killer copy for your website page


Your headline needs to grab the readers attention. I am sure you have probably read this a hundred times, already, but you have fractions of a second to convince your readers that they are in the right place.

Once you have convinced them not to leave and look for a better solution, you need to convince them that you have the right solution for them.

Benefits For The User

This is where you need to extol the BENEFITS of your solution, how it will help them. You need to paint a picture of how much better their life will be with your solution in their lives.

Features of Your Solution

Once you have highlighted the benefits, you can start to expand on the FEATURES of the product or service. Features are far less important than the Benefits to the user.

This is also the point in your copy to include teasers where applicable such as “You will discover three little known short cuts to creating killer web copy in under 15 minutes”.

It is also good practice to connect features with their benefits where possible.

Social Proof – Testimonials

Next, establish why you should be their go to expert for this product or service. There are several ways to do this, depending on whether you are selling products (no one cares who you are, just that you deliver the products or services and that they work), or are selling a skilled service.

Fundamentally, humans are herd animals, many of us subconsciously look for reassurance from the collective wisdom of a crowd.

On a website you can use this to your advantage by demonstrating that many other people have had their problems solved using your service or product, and it’ll work for them too. (The power of social proof – testimonials).

Call To Action

Lastly, TELL THEM WHAT TO DO NEXT….. don’t trust anyone to click a link, tell them to click the link and take the first step to great web copy…. Or whatever it is you want them to do.

Additional Reading:

How To Write Killer Copy For Your Website Email

How to write killer copy for your website page

How To Write Killer Copy For Your Website Free

10th October 2019