Marketing Thuong Maichâu Thông Phan

  1. Marketing Thuong Maichâ U Thô Ng Phan Mem
  2. Marketing Thuong Maichâ U Thô Ng Phan Rang
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The singing of the hymns was decidedly very pleasing, but the language from the pulpit, although fluently delivered, did not sound well: a constant repetition of words, like 'tata ta, mata mai,' rendered it monotonous.

Also found in: Medical, Financial, Wikipedia.
MAIMail (File Name Extension)
MAIMultilateral Agreement on Investment
MAIMinisterul Afacerilor Interne (Romanian: Ministry of the Interior; Moldova)
MAIMultiple Access Interference
MAIModelo de Atención Integral (Spanish: Integral Attention Model; healthcare)
MAIMinisterul Administratiei si Internelor (Romanian: Ministry of the Interior)
MAIMaius (Latin: May)
MAIMartial Arts Instructor (various organizations)
MAIMontréal, Arts Interculturels (French: Montreal, Intercultural Arts; Canada)
MAIMécanique et Automatismes Industriels (French: Mechanical and Industrial Automation)
MAIMobile App Install (advertising)
MAIMinistério da Administração Interna (Portugal)
MAIManagement Association of Illinois
MAIMycobacterium Avium-Intracellulare
MAIMember, Appraisal Institute (real estate)
MAIMinority AIDS Initiative
MAIMoscow Aviation Institute
MAIMean Annual Increment (forestry)
MAIMarket for Alternative Investment (Second Board on Thailand's Exchange)
MAIMachine-Aided Indexing (computing)
MAIMonash Asia Institute
MAIMcdonald Associates, Inc. (Illinois)
MAIMcAfee Associates, Inc. (software; various locations)
MAIMeinl Airports International (Austria)
MAIMarine Asset Intelligence (Caterpillar, Inc.)
MAIManufacturers' Association of Israel
MAIMerchant Administration Interface (various businesses)
MAIMedia Action International
MAIMade As Instructed
MAIMiddleware-Application Interaction
MAIMedical Action Industries Inc. (Brentwood, NY)
MAIMarriage Alive International (est. 1983)
MAIMedian Area Income
MAIMarket Access Intelligence (World Trade Organization)
MAIMultilevel Assessment Instrument
MAIMajor Automated Information
MAIMigration and Asylum Initiative (now part of MARRI)
MAIMilitary Assistance Institute
MAIMeasurement, Analysis and Improvement
MAIMyanmar Airway International
MAIMedication Assisted Intubation
MAIMaterial Annex Item
MAIManagement Assistance Incorporated
MAIGeneral Appraisal Member of the Appraisal Institute (formerly Member Appraisal Institute)
MAIMultiple Action Interaction
MAIMesna, Adriamycin, and Ifosfamide (chemotherapy regimen)
MAIMedical Awareness Institute (San Diego, CA)
MAIMalaysian Association of Illinois (Southern Illinois University; Carbondale, IL)
MAIMaster Assessment Index
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Sales concept Quan ñieåm troïng baùn haøng

Sales forceLöïc löôïng baùn haøng

Sales information systemHeä thoáng thoâng tin baùn haøng

SalesmanshipNgheà baùn haøng

Sales promotionKhuyeán maõi

SampleMaãu saûn phaåm

SamplingPhaùt maãu

Sandwich-manNgöôøi ñeo baûng quaûng caùo

Satisfaction Söï thoûa maõn

SavvySöï ham thích, say meâ

Savvy, technicallySöï ham thích kyõ thuaät

Savvy, hi-techSöï ham thích kyõ thuaät cao

Savvy, hi-endsSöï ham thích doà duøng cao caáp

Sealed-bid auction Ñaáu giaù kín

Seasonal discount Giaûm giaù theo muøa

Seasonal forecastDöï baùo baùn haøng theo muøa

Seasonal marketThò tröôøng theo muøa

Secondary brand imagesHình aûnh thöù caáp

Secondary data Döõ lieäu thöù caáp

Secondary informationThoâng tin thöù caáp

Secondary packagingBao bì thöù caáp (nhaém ñeán ngöôøi baùn)

Secondary salesMöùc baùn thöù caáp

SecuritiesChöùng khoaùn

Securities exchangeGiao dòch caùc loaïi chöùng khoaùn

Segment Phaân khuùc

Segmentation(Chieán löôïc) phaân thò tröôøng

Selective attentionSaøng loïc

Selective distortionChænh ñoán

Selective distribution Phaân phoái saøn loïc

Selective retention Khaéc hoïa

Self-service storeCöûa haøng töï phuïc vuï

Selling skillKyõ naêng baùn haøng

Selling techniqueKyõ thuaät baùn haøng

Semiotics Hệ thống phương pháp ngôn ngữ

ký hiệu học ứng dụng trong thiết kế

thương hiệu, logo, bao bì sản


Sensitivity, priceÑoä nhaïy giaù

Service channel Keânh dòch vuï

Marketing Thuong Maichâ U Thô Ng Phan Mem

Shared brandingPhöông aùn chia quyeàn thöông hieäu

Shooting Quay phim

Shooting boardsKòch baûn phaân caûnh chi tieát


Short-run Average Cost –SAC Chi phí trung bình trong ngaén haïn

Show-offSöï khoe khoang, söï phoâ tröông caù nhaân

Show-upSöï phoâ baøy, Quaûng baù


Show-reelPhim giôùi thieäu naêng löïc quaûng caùo; Boâ söu taäp taùc phaåm cuûa moät ñaïo dieãn hay moät nhaø saûn xuaát phim

Site stickinessSôû thích thöôøng xuyeân truy caäp vaøo moät trang web nhaát ñònh

Situational leadershipThuaät laõnh ñaïo tình huoáng

Simulation, businessMoâ phoûng kinh doanh

Simulation, brandMoâ phoûng thöông hieäu

Simulation, marketingMoâ phoûng tieáp thò

Simulative creativitySaùng taïo baèng moâ phoûng

Simulative methodPhöông phaùp moâ phoûng

Simulative researchNghieân cöùu (söû duïng) moâ phoûng

Social CommunicationTruyeàn thoâng xaõ hoäi

Social business concept Moâ hình kinh doanh vì muïc ñích xaõ hoäi

(taùc giaû: Muhammad Yunus)

Social marketingLónh vöïc (ngaønh hoïc) Tieáp thò Xaõ hoäi

Social marketing concept Quan ñieåm tieáp thò xaõ hoäi

Social sponsorshipChöông trình taøi trôï trong hoaït ñoäng xaõ hoäi

Social responsibilityTraùch nhieäm xaõ hoäi

Socialized brandThöông hieäu hoøa nhaäp xaõ hoäi

SocietyXaõ hoäi, Coäng ñoàng

Society, brandCoäng ñoàng thöông hieäu

Society, marketingCoäng ñoàng marketing, Coäng ñoàng nhöõng ngöôøi hoaït ñoäng marketing

Socio-cultural environment Moâi tröôøng vaên hoùa xaõ hoäi

Socio-economic classPhaân khuùc xaõ hoäi- kinh teá hoïc

Solo-brandThöông hieäu ñôn ñoäc

SophisticatedTính caùch saønh ñieäu, Tinh teá

Sophisticated brandThöông hieäu cao caáp, tinh teá

Special-event pricingÑònh giaù cho nhöõng söï kieän ñaëc bieät

SponsorNhaø taøi trôï

Sponsor’s benefitsLôïi ích nhaø taøi trôï

Sponsor’s brandThöông hieäu nhaø taøi trôï

Sponsor’s rightsQuyeàn lôïi nhaø taøi trôï

Sponsor’s commercial rightsThöông quyeàn cuûa nhaø taøi trôï

Sponsored brandThöông hieäu ñöôïc taøi trôï

SponsorshipTaøi trôï

Sponsorship contractHôïp ñoàng taøi trôï

Sponsorship eventSöï kieän taøi trôï

Sponsorship marketingTieáp thò taøi trôï

Sponsorship mechanicsCô cheá taøi trôï

Sponsorship rightsQuyeàn lôïi taøi trôï

Sponsorship strategyChieán löôïc taøi trôï

SpontaneousSöï töï nhieân, keát quaû töï nhieân

Spontaneous awarenessMöùc nhaän bieát töï nhieân, töùc bao goàm hai chæ soá T.O.M vaø unaided awareness)

SpontaneityMöùc ñoä töï nhieân

Sport marketingTieáp thò Theå thao

Statements, missionTuyeân boá söù meänh

Statements, positioningTuyeân boá ñònh vò

Status, highÑòa vò cao, Thaønh ñaït

Status symbolBieåu tröng cuûa ñòa vò; Saûn phaåm, Thöông hieäu taïo bieåu tröng ñòa vò

Status oriented peopleNgöôøi coù khuynh höôùng ñòa vò

Status quoGiöõ nguyeân traïng

Status storyDöïng caâu chuyeän veà söï thaønh ñaït (thuû phaùp quaûng caùo)

Status-less consumerNgöôøi tieâu duøng ít quan taâm ñeán ñòa vò

Stock marketThò tröôøng chöùng khoaùn

Stock exchangeGiao dòch chöùng khoaùn

StoryboardsKòch baûn phaân caûnh

StorylinesMaïch chuyeän; Kòch baûn noäi dung

StrataNhoùm (thaønh phaàn) xaõ hoäi

Straight re-buy Mua laïi tröïc tieáp

StrategyChieán löôïc

Strategy, brandChieán löôïc thöông hieäu

Strategy, marketingChieán löôïc marketing

Strategy, positioningChieán löôïc ñònh vò

Strategic marketing planning processQuaù trình laäp keá hoaïch marketing chieán löôïc

Strategic brand managementNgaønh quaûn trò thöông hieäu (taàm) chieán löôïc; Quaûn trò chieán löôïc thöông hieäu

Strategic solutionsCaùc giaûi phaùp mang tính chieán löôïc

Strategic factorsCaùc yeáu toá mang tính chieán löôïc

Sub-brandThöông hieäu thöù caáp, thöông hieäu phuï

Sub-culture Tieàn vaên hoùa, Vaên hoùa phuï

(trong vaên hoùa Anh Quoác)

SubjectChuû ñeà, vaán ñeà

SubjectiveChuû quan; Chuû theå

SubjectivismChuû nghóa chuû quan

SublimableThaêng hoa

SublimeSöï cao sieâu, Thaêng hoa

SublimelySieâu phaøm, Tuyeät vôøi

SubordinateNhaân vieân, Ngöôøi hoã trôï

SubsequenceHeä quaû

Marketing Thuong Maichâ U Thô Ng Phan Rang

Subsidiary companyCoâng ty con

SubsidyTieàn hoã trôï ñaïi lyù; Tieàn hoã trôï cuûa chính phuû; Tieàn trôï giaù

Support, marketingHoã trôï marketing

SupporterNgöôøi hoã trôï

Survey Khaûo saùt, Ñieàu tra thò tröôøng

Survey, opinionKhaûo saùt quan ñieåm khaùch haøng

Survey, outletKhaûo saùt heä thoáng baùn leû

SurveymethodPhöông phaùp khaûo saùt

Survey, mappingKhaûo saùt laäp baûn ñoà thò tröôøng

Survey reportBaùo caùo khaûo saùt thò tröôøng

Survival objective Muïc tieâu toàn taïi

Sustainable business practicesHoaït ñoäng kinh doanh beàn vöõng (khoâng xaâm haïi ñeán nhöõng giaù trò beàn vöõng nhö thieân nhieân, moâi tröôøng, ñaïo ñöùc xaõ hoäi)

Symbol, brandBieåu töôïng thöông hieäu

Symbol of successBieåu töôïng cuûa söï thaønh ñaït

Symbol of qualityBieåu töôïng cuûa chaát löôïng

Symbolic brandingXaây döïng thöông hieäu baèng bieåu töôïng