Find Serial Number Linux

As the title of this article informs, the information in the article relates on how to check the server’s serial number. In order to check the serial number of a server, just type a certain command in the command line. The command is generally available in every common Linux operating system distribution. If there is a condition where a direct contact to the server is impossible, just remote the server to check the serial number. Every server has its own serial number. Normally, it exist as a label attached in the server. But sometimes, the label is not available in any part of the physical server and it is impossible to see it. So, if it is not possible to access the server directly in contact, just access the server remotely.


Without further explanation, below are steps to check the server’s serial number :

Linux uses ttySx for a serial port device name. For example, COM1 (DOS/Windows name) is ttyS0, COM2 is ttyS1, and so on. USB based serial ports might use a name such as ttySUSB0. All these devices are located under /dev/ directory.

1. Access the server remotely.

A common method for accessing a Linux operating system distribution remotely is by using ‘ssh’ tool command.The command pattern to remote server using ‘ssh’ command :

How to retrieve serial number of proliant server This time I needed to get serial number of hp ProLiant DL380 server without taking the server out or even going next to that server so I find out that it’s pretty easy to get serial number of that server with a sort wmic command and some magic parameters. Find The Serial Number of IP Appliances Via CLI. Sometimes it is necessary to find the serial number of IP appliances but you either don’t have physical access to the machine or someone has removed the sticker from the side or bottom. Server Equipped PID Equipped VID Equipped Serial (SN) Slot Status Ackd Memory (MB) Ackd Cores 1/1 FPR4K-SM-12 V01 FLM220303UB Equipped 65536 12 FIREPOWER-A#. How to check system hardware manufacturer, model and serial number in Linux April 26, 2018 December 23, 2019 - by Vinoth Kumar - Leave a Comment Getting system hardware information is not a problem for Linux GUI and Windows users but CLI users facing trouble to get this details.Even most of us don’t know what is the best command to get this.

For an example :

Find Serial Number LinuxHow to find vmware serial number linux

2. After successfully access the server remotely, just type the suitable command in the command line.

Below is the command pattern to accomplish the task :

For an example :

Basically, it is very easy to execute the command. Moreover, the execution of the above command is a success in Ubuntu Linux operating system distribution. Precisely, the execution of the command is done in Linux Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver. Actually, although the execution of the above example is a success in Linux Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver, the command itself is compatible with every command Linux operating system distribution. Just try to execute the command by typing it in the command line.

For Windows: If you are using Windows, you can check serial number and all other hardware related information in system property using User Interface. You can also get system info using system information command in windows.

Find Serial Number Linux

For Linux: If you are using any of the Linux systems, you have to run the command to the system details like serial number, manufacturing model… You can do this easily by the dmidecode command in the command line terminal.

What is the dmidecode command?

It is a command to read DMI table. The name itself depicts as it is a command to decode the value in DMI table.

What is DMI Table in Linux?

DMI table is also called as SMBIO. This table consists of all the hardware, processor, system, BIOS information, etc.

Role of dmidecode Command:

A dmidecode command just fetches the content from this table and display it in the human-readable format on the terminal.

Run this command.

If it is not working, it requires root permission. Try getting admin privilege by running following sudo command.

It will give a long list of information. To shorten it or to get the particular information you have to be specific.

How to check the Manufacturer, Model, and Serial Number?

Find Cpu Serial Number Linux

Run the following command.

This command will give complete information about the system.

How to get serial number in Linux?

If you want to get a serial number of the system in any Linux system like Ubuntu, run following command in terminal.

This will highlight the serial number of the hardware.

Redhat Linux Find Serial Number

You can also use the dmidecode to read any specific hardware/system parameter by specifying the parameter name.

Note: Kindly make a note. While running any of the dmidecode commands, try all these commands running without sudo first. If you get any error or system ask you for any privilege, use the commands with sudo.

Find Usb Serial Number Linux

I have tested and verified all these commands on Ubuntu Linux machine. If you are using any other Linux OS system, kindly check, How to get serial number in Linux using the same commands. Do share your result. It will be helpful for other candidates.